1. Defining News


When it comes to “ news“ I am generally not a fan. If I’m being honest, I never watch the local news or read the newspaper, all of the news I consume comes directly from social networks. I understand that this is probably very problematic and it’s actually something I was planning to work on this year. One of my goals for 2023 was to start watching the news more just so I can be more informed. It just so happens, now I’m in this class and I’m pretty much forced to keep up with what’s going on in the news, right? 

Don’t get me wrong I know that there is a purpose for the news and it’s great to stay informed but also my mental health just makes it a little difficult to keep up with all that’s going on in the world. My grandparents are completely opposite of me, every day at the same time they’re watching the local news and every morning they get the paper and actually read it, I couldn’t even find the time for that if I wanted to so I’ve found some alternatives that work for me.

Luckily, there are other options for receiving the news, especially the news that you care about. Sometimes I feel like there’s a lot of information out there which can easily overwhelm us but with these types of news outlets, you can get the information you need most when you need it. The first alternative to local news papers and news broadcast, is online news portals like cnn.com or the New York Times these online news sites offer a large array of news coverage, and it’s accessible anytime of the day. My personal favorite way to get the news is social networks, but I’m very mindful that misinformation is a big problem so I always try to fact check information that I’ve found on Facebook or Instagram, which are the two platforms that I use the most. Recently I’ve been noticing that podcast are also becoming very popular news sources for the younger generation I think this is a great way to receive the news especially if you like the host(s) of the podcast it makes it much more entertaining and it is something you can do while you clean or commute. 

If I had to define what the news is, I would say it’s what keeps people informed about current events, new developments or issues in our societies. There are so many different types of news stories and they’re not all negative. Some of them can be very uplifting, educational, entertaining and yes, even heartbreaking and I definitely feel like it’s necessary to know what’s going on and not be ignorant to the world around us.



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