20. Wild Card: A day in my Life


My Life as 'Magically Bree'

Here is a personal account of my life currently as a spiritual entrepreneur, artist, mom, and full time student. A lot of people ask me how I handle it all and how my life is behind the scenes, so I am sharing a day in my life!

Wake Up - 5am

 I usually wake up a little before my alarm, I start my day in gratitude and prayer. If I have any readings to do from the day before I tend to do best early in the early morning; no distractions is always helpful to do divinations because it's very quiet. I also do some daily planning to plan each day, practicing mindfulness. 

This is an example of my daily planner

Wake Kids Up - 6am 

I get my kids up around this time, this sometimes requires a lot of yelling and fussing, eventually they get up and independently do their morning tasks (brush teeth, get dressed, other grooming) then they get a little snack and get on the bus at 7

Get Ready - 7am 

By this time I'm getting cute, hair and makeup is a must especially when I plan to go places or do a live stream. 

Classes 9:30-3:00 

Usually I will be class Mon-Fri here at SAU, I tend to be pretty focused on class work during this time so I schedule all my calls and readings for the evening. 

Kids and Home Activities 4pm-7pm

 This is the time I do most of my chores and spend time with the kids, I usually will cook something around 6pm and we will watch a movie together. Occasionally I will take calls in this time, most calls aren't very long so I just go in my room and do the reading. My calls are hosted through a psychic service called Everclear and I current rate is 3.33 a min, which pays me around $2 for every minute I am on a call. 

Work 7-10pm

This is the time I devout to my business so I am taking calls, going live on TikTok, writing blog posts, and graphics for my website MagicallyBree. I post on my Patreon at this time as well to let my subscribers know what's going on in Magically Bree Land. 

Example of what I Post on Patreon

End of Day 10pm - Until I fall Asleep 

This last thing I do is write down what I made for the day, which varies depending on the amount of calls I've gotten and the amount of donations I may have gotten on Live Stream. I would say since I have started my business 2023 has been very profitable which I attribute to my increase of knowledge, consistency and creativity. 

In my visual journalism post I share more about my business website MagicallyBree.com


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