
Showing posts from September, 2023

2. Breaking News (24 hrs)

 These days NEWS travels fast! Sometimes too fast, here today and gone tomorrow! This post is all about trending stories on Twitter in the past 24 hours. All tweets are about the trending topic, from twitter users.  This breaking news story comes from the world of sports, NBA player Damian Lillard trends because of his trade from the Portland Blazers to the Milwaukee Bucks. Although I saw many congratulating tweets welcoming Dame to his new team I also saw a lot of disappointment from fans expecting him to be traded to the Miami Heat.  ESPN From my twitter account On Twitter the trending topics range from entertainment, politics, news, sports, and more. This is helpful when you want to stay current on what the collective is talking about.  💌

1. Defining News

  When it comes to “ news“ I am generally not a fan. If I’m being honest, I never watch the local news or read the newspaper, all of the news I consume comes directly from social networks. I understand that this is probably very problematic and it’s actually something I was planning to work on this year. One of my goals for 2023 was to start watching the news more just so I can be more informed. It just so happens, now I’m in this class and I’m pretty much forced to keep up with what’s going on in the news, right?  Don’t get me wrong I know that there is a purpose for the news and it’s great to stay informed but also my mental health just makes it a little difficult to keep up with all that’s going on in the world. My grandparents are completely opposite of me, every day at the same time they’re watching the local news and every morning they get the paper and actually read it, I couldn’t even find the time for that if I wanted to so I’ve found some alternatives that work for m...